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3 Ways to Promote on Facebook

???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Facebook is one of the top social media sites these days and in order to maximize its use, you can do the following to promote your business:

1. Schedule your updates – Know when your target market is around via the Insights page and that’s when you schedule your posts.

2. Use variety in your updates – These include: asking a question, sharing a quote, providing tips, offering a statistic, re-sharing content, etc.

3. Adding photos and videos – Using visual aids get people more engaged.

These are just three ways to promote on Facebook. There’s more! Just follow this link: How To Promote Your Content On Facebook

New Facebook Marketing Tips

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Just like Google, Facebook has also been changing their algorithm and if you don’t know what’s the latest, you may not be able to maximize its use for your business. So take note of the following:

1. Post real content. Find ways to make your Facebook friends sell your stuff for you.

2. Be social by engaging with your audience. It is a social network after all. So interact with your friends.

3. Lure your audience in your email list. Take your email list seriously.

To know more about these new Facebook marketing tips, please head to this link: 3 Easy Facebook Marketing Tips

Sure Fire Ways to Increase Email Sign-Ups

sign-up-free-clipboard-pen-website-icon-16878895The ways that are shared below are kind of subtle. They’ve already helped other internet marketers drive their email sign-ups and for sure these tips will help you too. Read on…

1. Use time-sensitive language – By doing so, you motivate people to act and to act fast!

2. Tell unusual stories – In today’s online world, your content needs to stand out to catch readers’ attention.

3. Include social proof in a natural (real) way – Being the first to do something without the assurance that you will succeed is pretty scary. People wants to know that others have gone before them and have succeeded so they get inspired to foller their lead.

To find out more about this, please head to: 5 Subtle Writing Strategies That Drive Email Signups


How to Boost Engagement in Facebook

facebook-set-like-icons-white-background-41196584Do you have an online business? Do you have a Facebook page for your business? Are you aware that there are things you can do to your page that will make you reach more of your target audience? Below are ten things you can do for free to boost your Facebook engagement:

1. Remember That Image is Everything – By uploading relevant pictures, you will get more like and retweets.

2.  Align With Viral Trends – Look for a viral content and repurpose it within your own Facebook community and audience.

3. Post Engaging Content – This is actually the simplest way. When more and more people like it and comment, the more it will appear on their feeds.

4. Listen and Engage – Don’t just keep posting about your brand, post something that the audience can relate to as well. Remember, you’re pon Facebook not to sell but to make a lasting impression to your target market.

These are just some of the things you can do to help boost engagement on your Facebook page. To find out more, please head to this link: 10 Free Ways to Boost Facebook Engagement
10 Free Ways to Boost Facebook Engagement
10 Free Ways to Boost Facebook Engagement


3 Steps to Increasing Website Traffic

amber-traffic-light-city-421463One way to gain more clients or customers for your online business is to increase traffic to your website or blog. How do you do this? And how do you do this fast? Though writing content and widening your social network can help increase your site’s traffic overtime, some of us want it done fast. How?

There are actually three simple and easy steps to do this.

1. Know which of your internal pages are already ranking on google. You can set up an account with to find out which of your internal pages are already receiving a lot of traffic.

2. Add internal links to these popular internal pages. This will make your other less popular internal pages gain traffic as well.

3. Promote these pages again. Share these old pages to your social networks once again.

To find out more about these steps, please head to: Increase your website traffic with this simple technique


How to Build Brand Loyalty Through Social Media

word-cloud-brand-loyalty-wording-36319115It is important to take the time to build brand loyalty among your customers. One way to do this is through the help of social media. Through the various online social platforms available today, it has now become easy for various brands to build relationships with their customers.

Below are five things you can do on social media to ensure loyalty of your customers to your brand:

1. Don’t sell your product. Provide value instead. 

2. Start a family by humanizing the character of your brand. 

3. Show that you care by providing solutions to the current problems in your area, industry or field.

4. Reward your loyal customers/

5. Provide good customer service by answering all queries as honestly as you can. 

To find out more how you can build brand loyalty among your customers, please head to this link: 5 Ways to Build Brand Loyalty on Social Media


How LinkedIn Can Help Your Business

linkedin-photo-homepage-monitor-screen-magnifying-glass-38835142With its 277 million members worldwide, LinkedIn is definitely one of the most popular social networking sites around. As a marketer, these figures would mean business but only if you know how to use it to your advantage.

Below are five (5) ways you can apply to your business when it comes to using LinkedIn to further boost your sales.

1. Increase Your Presence In The Industry – by joining LinkedIn, you reach a wider audience and make other people that might be interested in your business be aware of your products and services.

2. Establish Yourself As A Genuine Resource – by participating in the discussions in various LinkedIn groups related to your business, you help potential customers answer needs they may have. By doing this, you get to act as an expert in your field and sales will soon follow.

3. Learn About New Technologies And Practices – When you join Linkedin Group discussions, you are one of the first to be aware of the newest products and services in the market which you could include in your business. By doing so, when potential customers later ask you about it, you can then tell them that you already have that in your business portfolio. Again, you will be seen as being ahead of the curve.

4. Solve Your Business Challenges (without having to reinvent the wheel every time) – By being one of the problem solvers in your niche and sharing these solutions in LinkedIn discussions, you further establish yourself as the go-to source for such concerns.

5. Find New Sources Of Business Capital – When you join LinkedIn discussions in various groups, you build relationships with people that may be bigger than your business. They may be business owners, CEOs, venture capitalists, executives, etc. They may not only be your possible mentors but could potentially invest in your business as well.

For more insights about how LinkedIn can help you and your business grow, please refer to this link: Five Ways LinkedIn Can Be Used To Boost Your Business

Increase Traffic from Google in Many Ways

traffic-light-collection-21830989Do you know that there are ways and means that you can do for you to increase the traffic your site get from Google? And this is without building links. Let me give you four ways:

1. In-depth articles
When you add some signals to your HTML, your content can now qualify to appear on the search engine’s first page.

2. Improving user satisfaction
Try to improve the experience of your visitors when they visit your site.

3. Rich snippets from structured data
You can check this out to guide you:  Guide to Generating Rich Snippets

4. Video optimization
Video snippets can capture more search real estate than any other type of rich snippet so use that.

To know more tips on how you can increase traffic to your site from Google, please head to this link: 12 Ways to Increase Traffic From Google Without Building Links

Content is still king!

content-word-cut-out-magazine-letters-pinned-to-cork-notice-board-important-part-marketing-search-33285979Content is still king and it is still very much needed today especially if you’re in business. ‘Why?” you might ask. Well, let’s get straight to the point here. Making content, unique content that is, for your site, your blog, your business can help bring about the following:

  1. It will help pay for your bills.
  2. It will help create the lifestyle you deserve.
  3. It will help transform the lives of the people you want to serve, help and work with.

For more information on why we need content, please head to this post: Taming the ContentBeastie™–How do you keep up?

Tips to Get Your Blog Noticed

blog-18609326Out of the numerous blogs out there in the internet universe, how do you make sure that yours get noticed by the people you are targeting? Here are some ways:

1. Did You Have Me At Hello?

Have a strong, catchy blog title.

2. Do You Make Me Feel Good?

Use quality templates that influence and inspire.

3. Did You Mean What You Said Last Night?

Make sure that you post about relevant topics.

4. Do You Inspire My Trust?

Avoid having broken links on your site.

5. Can I Tell My Friends About You?

Make sure your handle is easy to find in social networks.

6. Is Your Love Genuine?

Display the blog directory’s hyperlinked badge or text link on your blog, loud and proud.

7. Will You Remain Faithful?

Don’t do the habit of removing a link to a blog directory after you have been approved.

To know more about this, please head to: 7 Insider Tips To Help You Get Noticed On Blog Directories