Archive | May 2014

How to Increase Sign-Ups : Customize Submit Button

big-button-icon-20023558One way you can increase sign-ups to your website or newsletter is by customizing your submit button. By customizing, we mean making it visually attractive enough so that it stands out. You can do this not just by using the right color and design but by also having the right custom message.

When you make the custom message, you can do so by using an image instead of a text. You can install plug-ins on your website to make this happen.

Change the World Marketing blog explains it all in its post: Increase sign-ups by customizing your Submit button

Be sure to check it out to get the technical steps on how to do this. Once you are able to apply this to your site, notice how your sign-ups will begin to increase. let me know!

Getting Discovered Through Online Marketing Using 3 Simple Ways

online-marketing-chalkboard-blackboard-emphasizing-words-several-words-related-to-topic-33843534Online marketing does help one’s business get discovered by potential customers whether the business is a small or a big one. Below are three simple tips you can use for your business:

1. Grab Their Attention

This is done by making sure you use a memorable and appropriate company name, good slogans and well-placed banner ads.

2. Social Pages

Make sure that you have set up social networking accounts for your business like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, etc. Keep these accounts relevant and up to date.

3. Keywords!

Use keywords when making blog posts or when updating your social pages to help drive traffic to your business.

For more information on how to do this, please head to: 3 Ways to Get Discovered Through Online Marketing


What to Do When Someone Hacks Your Website?

internet-hack-17289951Getting hacked can happen to the best of us. Not only do big websites get hacked but even small websites and blogs too! The experience can be devastating and frightening. Even if you have backups for all your online files, it’s still quite a dreadful experience. As the saying goes, prevention to any problem is still the best solution.

So how do you make sure that your website is secure enough not to get hacked? How do you protect your website?

There are tools you can use to add security to your website. Here are two:

Wordfence is the WordPress plug-in that warns you when there’s a problem.

BackupBuddy is a back-up service that backs up your WordPress content and settings.

To know more about these things, please head to this link: Website security: They’re trying to hack your website — I have proof — and what to do about it

Sell More with the Help of These Ideas Targeted at Facebook Audiences

facebook-like-us-icon-johor-malaysia-sep-photo-monitor-screen-as-today-largest-social-media-network-36274916Facebook pages is one of the many marketing platforms you can use to help generate sales for your products and services. How? Well, below are some awesome ideas on how you can target various Facebook audiences to help increase your sales.

1. Website Visitors

A simple code can help direct your page visitors to your website.

2. Sales Page or Product Page Visitors

Direct your audience to a more targeted page on your site.

3. Recent Purchases

After your visitor has purchased something and is directed on a thank you page, make sure that a related product is advertised on that page.

4. Recent Subscribers

You target email subscribers by simply uploading a list to Facebook.

There are more ideas where these come from. To learn how you can turn your Facebook audiences into buyers, go to this link: 8 Facebook Audiences to Help You Make More Sales

How to Sell Your Books

books-17283832Are you an author? Are you an author in the process of marketing and selling your books? If yes, then you know that selling books is not an easy as simply writing, editing and publishing. There’s more to it than that.

Below are three things you can do to market your writing so you could sell more books.

1. Join the conversation on social media. 

You have to be able to personally interact with your readers through your social media accounts. If Hollywood actors and celebrities are doing this then so should you.

2. Make the most of your author page.

To make a compelling copy of your Author page, do these things:

  • Use eye-catching headlines
  •  Provoke emotions
  • Don’t avoid controversy

3. Acing the interview

You do this by answering questions directly but leave the audience wanting more.

To know more about these amazing techniques, please head to: How To Market Your Writing To Sell More Books

3 Steps to Increasing Website Traffic

amber-traffic-light-city-421463One way to gain more clients or customers for your online business is to increase traffic to your website or blog. How do you do this? And how do you do this fast? Though writing content and widening your social network can help increase your site’s traffic overtime, some of us want it done fast. How?

There are actually three simple and easy steps to do this.

1. Know which of your internal pages are already ranking on google. You can set up an account with to find out which of your internal pages are already receiving a lot of traffic.

2. Add internal links to these popular internal pages. This will make your other less popular internal pages gain traffic as well.

3. Promote these pages again. Share these old pages to your social networks once again.

To find out more about these steps, please head to: Increase your website traffic with this simple technique


Tips on How to Meet Your Writing Goals

man-writing-check-3698297Bloggers love to blog and writers love to write. However, this is not always the case. There are days when we can’t seem to find the right words or that simply nothing comes to mind. What do we do? We can’t just wait for inspiration to strike. After all, we have an obligation to our readers and ourselves to produce quality content on a regular basis, especially if this endeavor helps you grow your business and makes you earn a decent living.

Below are three tips you can keep in mind to help you achieve your writing goals:

1. Carrot and Stick: Create Fast

To write fast, even if you think you can’t, use It’s like those morning pages I used to do as suggested in the book, The Artist’s Way. Check out the site and see for your self.

You can also try Write or Die. As the name goes, you either write or get a punishment as a consequence.

These two tools will help you write and get the best ideas out of your head.

2. Manage the Content Flood: Get Organized

To help you organize your thoughts and ideas for your blog content, you can use apps like  Trello and Evernote.

3. Plan, Plan, and PLAN: Schedule Content and Management

Always schedule and plan everything you do on your blog. If you use a WordPress Blog, use the  Drafts Dropdown plugin. Everything gets easier when planned and scheduled.

To know more about these tips, please head to: 3 Easy Web Content Tips: Meet Your Writing Goals


What’s the Next Step in Growing Your Online Business?

online-business-grow-your-online-business-wrap-1-300x199Ellen Finkelstein shared in her blog, Change the World Marketing, ways on how you can grow your online business in a span of 30 days. Now that Day 30 is here, Ellen asks us what are we going to do next?

In order to answer this question, you’d have to go back and review her 30-lesson course in case you haven’t read it yet.

The first three weeks were basically about:

Week 1: I covered how to make your website rock. Your website is the foundation of your online business, so you need to get it right.

Week 2: You got techniques for growing your email and social media lists, because the larger and more responsive your list, the more people you’ll be able to reach — and help — and the more money you’ll make.

Week 3: I discussed how to create products. I specialize in helping people like you who have service-based businesses, people who are trying to help other people, to add products. That means I can help you:

To find out more about this, please head to: Grow Your Online Business: Day 30 (Ultimate Blog Challenge) What are you going to do now?