Archive | February 2014

How to Make Quotes Visually Attractive

speech-bubble-set-quotes-10047069Sometimes, when you write articles on your blog, you make use of quotations from experts, famous people or even from your own customers. How do you make these quotations more visually appealing? It’s not enough that you just use quotes as you go on writing your writing. There is a simple way to make a quote pop!

Check the difference between these two similar quotes. Here’s the first one:

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” – Lao Tzu

Now compare it with this one:

“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” – Lao Tzu

Isn’t the second one more visually appealing and it really makes the quote a lot more visible.

To know more about this, please head to:  Make your testimonials and quotes pop!


How to Make Your Posts Viral on Facebook

viral-marketing-diagram-14237187Having posts go viral on Facebook is a digital marketer’s dream. But how do you do this? Below are six things you can do to make your posts become popular in such a short period of time:

  1. Know what is the trending topic and focus on that.
  2. Make content that is relevant, informative & share able for your followers and fans.
  3. Get connected with the most influential people in your niche.
  4. Do something that has never been done before. 
  5. Share something very funny.
  6. If you’re okay with posting controversial content to get noticed then do so.

For more insights and ideas regarding this, please head to: 6 Key Tips to Getting Viral on Facebook.

What You Need to Have Before Making Online Partnerships

job-interview-shake-hands-18611489You probably already know this but it’s good to remind you again. In online businesses, it’s always better to partner with somebody.  But before you do this, make sure that both parties have the following components in place before you ask someone to partner with you or before you agree to partner with someone else:

1. A blog – so you can trade blog posts.

2. An email newsletter – so you can promote your blog posts here as well as your products and services.

3. Products – this means online products that people can buy online.

4. A free download – when you partner with someone, you get to promote their free download so you better have one too which they can promote as well.

5. An affiliate program – this has to be easy to join to and must be supported by good customer service.

To find out more about this, please head to: Are you ready to partner with other entrepreneurs?

Why Does No One Read My Blog?

girl-read-book-20530917If you have noticed that no one is visiting your blog, it might be the right time to ask yourself why. And this is where I can help you. I’ll share with you below the top three reasons why people don’t read your blog and perhaps you can do something about it starting now.

1. It’s all about you. – Just like in presentations, it should always be about the audience. In this case, when blogging, you should keep in mind what your readers need and want. If it’s just going to be about you, you might as well just write on your diary instead.

2. It’s not useful. – This is related to the first one above. If you are not answering questions and needs that your readers may have, then you’ll be all alone benefiting from your blog posts.

3. It’s too “buttoned-up”. – This is where your personality will come in. By adding a touch of your personality, then you can gain the trust of your readers and followers.

For more insight about this, please head to: 3 Reasons Why No One Is Reading Your Blog

The NAMS 11 Workshop

nams-02NAMS stand for Novice to Advanced Marketing System. It is a membership site, community and semi-annual conference that is run by David Perdew. Here, you can meet smart, knowledgeable people with a passion for Internet marketing. These people can range from newbies to multimillionaires.

In the last NAMS11 Workshop, a lot of big-time and influential people in the world of internet marketing attended the event. They were:

Alex Mandossian

Nicole Dean

Jason Fladien

Kathleen Gage

Ray Edwards

Felicia Slattery

If you haven’t gotten to know who these people are yet and are interested to learn about them and find out what makes them successful in the field of internet marketing, you can head to this post: Lessons from the NAMS11 workshop. On this link, you can also find out how you can attend the next NAMS conference.

How to Increase Blog Traffic?

traffic-light-green-28647180Through both social media and SEO, you can increase the traffic going in to your site. But aside from these two, there are small simple ways you can do to make sure that people visit your site and keep going back. Here are some of them:

1. Be yourself. – By doing this, you are letting your readers get to know you. Readers are more engaged when they know that there’s a real person talking behind a blog and it’s not just some regurgitated content in the internet.

2. Ask Questions. – This will help start and continue a conversation.

3. Be professional. – By doing things in a more professional manner, your readers will respect you more.

To know more about some of the ways you can engage your readers, please go to this link: 7 Little Changes That’ll Make A Big Difference To Your Traffic Generation

Content is still king!

content-word-cut-out-magazine-letters-pinned-to-cork-notice-board-important-part-marketing-search-33285979Content is still king and it is still very much needed today especially if you’re in business. ‘Why?” you might ask. Well, let’s get straight to the point here. Making content, unique content that is, for your site, your blog, your business can help bring about the following:

  1. It will help pay for your bills.
  2. It will help create the lifestyle you deserve.
  3. It will help transform the lives of the people you want to serve, help and work with.

For more information on why we need content, please head to this post: Taming the ContentBeastie™–How do you keep up?

5 Ways to Improve Your SEO

seo-sign-21463117SEO (search engine optimization) is still important to getting web traffic to your site. Below are five things you can do to improve further optimize your site and increase readership:

1: Fix Your URL
Make it short and sweet so to speak to be easily remembered.
2: Utilize Keyword Variations
Add similar and relevant keywords.
3: Break It Up
Do this by utilizing number lists, bullet points and headers.
4: Tag Everything
Tag everything including images.
5: Update Regularly
Regularly post fresh and relevant content to your site.For more details on how to improve the SEO of your site, please click this link: 5 Tips For Better SEO