Archive | December 2013

FAQ You Need to Know About Google Hummingbird SEO Key Techniques

hummingbird-773090Hummingbird is a code-name of Google searchalgorithm. It is a new algorithm that effects search results due to its new framework built upon previous classic ranking factors.

Below are important questions you need to know the answers to so you can make sure that your posts will still rank well in the Google search engine:

  1. Are Panda, Penguin and caffeine now dead?
  2. What percentage of search results does Hummingbird affect?
  3.  What was the earlier update of Hummingbird?
  4. When was the major update earlier of this Hummingbird?
  5. What is Semantic Search System?

To know more about these FAQs on Google Hummingbird, please head to this link:  Top 24 FAQ on Google Hummingbird SEO Key Techniques

Things You Should Know About WordPress

d-wordpress-illustration-blue-white-background-32015239Don’t miss out on the following features that WordPress has. Whether you’re a veteran user or not, it’s still great to know the following things:

  1. Changing how often the trash is emptied – There’s a code you need to add so you can control when WordPress empties trashed pages and posts.
  2.  Changing how often WordPress autosaves your content – There’s a code you need to add to autosave your content every so often. 
  3. Automatically embedding video, audio and other media into your content – You can embed content from various media sites by pasting the URL into your content.
  4. Changing the default media embed sizes – There are default settings for each media size. You can actually also control whether the thumbnails are cropped to exact dimensions or are resized proportionally. 
  5. Screen Options – You will be surprised at how many options are turned off by default. If you want WordPress to work for you, you’ll need to change some of these. 

To find out more, please head to: 5 THINGS YOU DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT WORDPRESS! PART 1



Tips to Get Your Blog Noticed

blog-18609326Out of the numerous blogs out there in the internet universe, how do you make sure that yours get noticed by the people you are targeting? Here are some ways:

1. Did You Have Me At Hello?

Have a strong, catchy blog title.

2. Do You Make Me Feel Good?

Use quality templates that influence and inspire.

3. Did You Mean What You Said Last Night?

Make sure that you post about relevant topics.

4. Do You Inspire My Trust?

Avoid having broken links on your site.

5. Can I Tell My Friends About You?

Make sure your handle is easy to find in social networks.

6. Is Your Love Genuine?

Display the blog directory’s hyperlinked badge or text link on your blog, loud and proud.

7. Will You Remain Faithful?

Don’t do the habit of removing a link to a blog directory after you have been approved.

To know more about this, please head to: 7 Insider Tips To Help You Get Noticed On Blog Directories

Dowload Your Marketing Planner for 2014

Having an annual marketing plan is important for businesses. But there are solopreneurs who think that
illustration-year-written-painbrush-colorful-paint-35565687a marketing plan isn’t really necessary. Are you one of them? DO you also think one of these thoughts:

  • I’m not really trying to sell; I’m trying to educate. (Wake up!)
  • I’m too small for a marketing plan. (Do you want to get larger?)

Your marketing planner will act as your guide through the year. If you are specific about your strategies, goals and projects for the year and for each month, then you will likely increase your chances of success.

Download it here: Are you planning for next year’s success? It’s time to complete your 2014 marketing planner!

How to Master Social Media

social-media-29237408If you want your presence known in social media, you have a lot of daunting tasks ahead of you. But there are ways for you to maximize your online potential so your business can be successful. Just follow these tips:

1. Choose your channel
Choose one or two social networks that allow for maximum exposure and then use them consistently and without fail.
2. Define your target market
Define your target audience looking for your specific area of expertise.
3. Share appealing content
Share interesting, relevant and insightful content and share it often.
4. Listen
As you listen to your customers, take time to truly hear what their needs, wants and desires are.
5. Establish your genuine voice
Provide unique insight into who you are and what makes you tick.
6. Don’t excessively rely on automation
Don’t rely on it so heavily that your personality gets lost.
7. Join the conversation
The only way to connect with others and create meaningful relationships is to get into the conversation.
8. Be committed to your social media strategy
Execute, execute, execute!
9. Take your social media marketing seriously
Commit to a specific level of interaction and engagement.
10. Don’t overlook your blog
Determine how often you will post to your blog and use that proprietary content to spread across your social channels.
11. Measure the impact of your efforts
As the saying goes, a goal without a plan is just a wish.
12. Analyze and adjust
Identify what is working and adjust what is not.

To find out more about this, head to: 12 Most Sensational Ways to Master Social Media in the New Year