How LinkedIn Can Help Your Business

linkedin-photo-homepage-monitor-screen-magnifying-glass-38835142With its 277 million members worldwide, LinkedIn is definitely one of the most popular social networking sites around. As a marketer, these figures would mean business but only if you know how to use it to your advantage.

Below are five (5) ways you can apply to your business when it comes to using LinkedIn to further boost your sales.

1. Increase Your Presence In The Industry – by joining LinkedIn, you reach a wider audience and make other people that might be interested in your business be aware of your products and services.

2. Establish Yourself As A Genuine Resource – by participating in the discussions in various LinkedIn groups related to your business, you help potential customers answer needs they may have. By doing this, you get to act as an expert in your field and sales will soon follow.

3. Learn About New Technologies And Practices – When you join Linkedin Group discussions, you are one of the first to be aware of the newest products and services in the market which you could include in your business. By doing so, when potential customers later ask you about it, you can then tell them that you already have that in your business portfolio. Again, you will be seen as being ahead of the curve.

4. Solve Your Business Challenges (without having to reinvent the wheel every time) – By being one of the problem solvers in your niche and sharing these solutions in LinkedIn discussions, you further establish yourself as the go-to source for such concerns.

5. Find New Sources Of Business Capital – When you join LinkedIn discussions in various groups, you build relationships with people that may be bigger than your business. They may be business owners, CEOs, venture capitalists, executives, etc. They may not only be your possible mentors but could potentially invest in your business as well.

For more insights about how LinkedIn can help you and your business grow, please refer to this link: Five Ways LinkedIn Can Be Used To Boost Your Business

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