Archive | May 2013

Offer Mobile Apps to Boost Your Business

downloadI’m sure most if not all of you business people out there use a smartphone. Who here doesn’t? At this day and age, smartphones are becoming ubiquitous that people are now spending more and more time on their mobile phones which means business customers are too! So if you’re a business person, why not follow where your customers are? After all, customers are always right, right? This way, you can easily lead them to what you have to offer, whether products or services.

One way to do this is by coming up with a mobile app which you can offer to your customers for free! Did you know that about 81 billion apps have already been made and uploaded since the advent of these smartphone devices? So why not join the bandwagon if you know it’ll help your business grow? Just make sure that this free mobile app you’re offering is something that your customers will find useful. By doing so, you can generate more leads for your business which then helps improve your sales in the long run. Read more about it here:

 Custom SmartPhone Mobile Apps Could Help Your Business

3 Newsletter Mistakes You Must Avoid

I shared with you before 3 things you can do to make a successful newsletter. Well, here’s the fourth installment of that series. If before I shared with you what to do, this fourth tip is all about WHAT NOT TO DO when making newsletters. Are you ready? Read on:

Mistake #1: Irregular newsletter – makes you unreliable and people will eventually forget you.

Mistake #2: Poor subject lines – make people not want to open your newsletter and worse, unsubscribe!

Mistake #3: Selling, more selling, and only selling – people will get tired of your newsletter if it’s all about selling so make sure you balace content with sales.

For more information about this, please head to: How to create a successful newsletter: Part 4-3 BIG newsletter mistakes to avoid

10 Tips for Easier Blogging

easy bloggingBlogging is easier than you think and it is one effective way to attract new clients to your business. If you still haven’t tried this, here are ten tips below that ought to get you going:

  1. Reading other blog posts to get inspired and to give you some ideas.
  2. Repurposing existing content by turning them into blog posts.
  3. Interviewing someone like an expert in your line of business to give your audience or market something of value to them.
  4. Answering questions of your customers.
  5. Devoting time to get it done.
  6. Writing more often which helps improve your writing skills.
  7. Getting help by hiring someone to blog for you so you can focus on other more important aspects of your business.
  8. Making it a team effort by giving your colleagues something to blog about.
  9. Planning ahead some topics for your blog.
  10. Using a formula like doing a top ten list such as this.

By following these ten tips, your blog will attract more readers which can then turn into leads and clients.

For more information about this, please head to: Business Blogging Can Be Easier

5 Tips on Improving Your Website’s Lead Generation

dollarIf you have an online business then lead generation is most probably important to you and the best place to get quality leads is through your website. So how do you do it? What can you do to your website to make sure that you generate as many leads as possible for your business? Here are five tips:

Have a landing page.

Make sure that your conversion path is easy to follow.

Have a unique value proposition.

Have a targeted content.

Design your home page well.

Once you follow these 5 tips, the number of your leads will definitely soar. To know more about this, please head to: 5 Ways to Improve Lead Generation on Your Website




7 Tips for a Successful Website

websiteNowadays, people seem to be connected online most of their waking lives. If they’re not on social networks, they’re blogging or putting up their own websites. A website is a collection of web pages that showcase a company’s mission, vision, products and services.  And with tons of these sprouting online every day, how do you make sure that yours can contribute to your success as an entrepreneur or business person?

Below are 7 tips you can follow in order for your website to be successful:

1. Use a self-hosted WordPress website
2. Create a simple, clear, inviting home page
3. Create a free download and offer it in return for subscribing
4. Have a Contact page
5. Have a vibrant blog with valuable content
6. Create an About page
7. Have a Services or Coaching page

Having a successful website means achieving success in your business as an online entrepreneur. To find out more about it, please head to:  7 requirements for a successful website

Top 10 B2B Facebook Pages

If Facebook is a country, it would be one of the most populated one with 1 billion users and counting, which is why, as a marketing channel, it’s being utilized by various companies and brands alike, 15 million brand pages to be exact. Of these 15 million, ten are considered to be the best according to Blue Ocean Market Intelligence’s “Fortune 100 Social Effectiveneess Index” and These pages are engaging, have unique tactics which further interest their market and offer crisp images that draw the attention of the Facebook user to their pages.

So what are these facebook pages? Here are some:

1. Honeywell
Honeywell Security Facebook

Facebook Page

2. Ingram Micro
Facebook Page

3. Oracle
Facebook Page

4. Cisco
Facebook Page

5. Intel
Facebook Page

To find out the rest and the details of why these facebook pages were included in the top ten, please visit:

10 of the Best B2B Facebook Pages

New Set of Premium Apps for Hootsuite

hootSuiteAre you familiar with Hootsuite?

It is an all-in-one social media, marketing and analytics tool from HootSuite Media Inc. It was actually originally designed for twitter to manage your tweets but then
over time it has already expanded to include other social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, Flickr and Tumblr.

With Hootsuite, companies can now schedule posts and content ahead of time, can analyze their campaigns better and streamline their workflow. They can now keep track of conversations happening in their social network and be able to respond better and faster.

Recently, Hootsuite added more apps to its host of social networks namely Youtube, Instagram and Salesforce. Get to know how these apps work and how you can make use of them to make your campaigns reach your targeted audience. You will definitely find this valuable. Find out more about it here: HootSuite Releases New Social Media Apps

3 Steps to Creating a Successful Newsletter

newsletterNewsletters are crucial in making your online business successful. But it’s not enough that you create a newsletter and send out copies to your prospects. Your newsletters have to be successful too. So how do you do this? There are three steps that you can do:
Part 1-Set up a list
Part 2-Design your visual layout and content structure
Part 3-Use your newsletter to sell
To find out more how to do this, click each of the links above.

Top 5 SEO Mistakes You Must Avoid

SEO MistakesRecently, Matt Cutts of Google revealed the most common SEO mistakes that webmasters make. Here they are:

  1. Mistake 1: having a website that is not crawlable
  2. Mistake 2: including the wrong words on your web pages
  3. Mistake 3: focusing on the wrong things
  4. Mistake 4: forgetting to think about titles and descriptions
  5. Mistake 5: not learning about how Google works and what SEO is about

Have you ever done one of these things? Well, you better stop doing it if you want your website to be crawable by search engines. You can find out more about this here:  Google: the top 5 SEO mistakes that webmasters make

Getting Qualified Inbound Marketing Leads to Your Website

Qualified Inbound LeadsHaving a good strategy for lead generation is essential for any business needing qualified leads coming from their website. Even if your website is great, even if you have a good email marketing plan and even if your social media network is huge, lead generation is still needed for your business to be successful.

On this blog post, How to Generate Qualified Inbound Marketing Leads to Your Website, it will teach you how to identify the important leads that your business has so you can later enjoy the returns of investing in people who are interested your business in the first place. It’s true that having a lot of leads is important but even more so if you have quality leads. As the old cliche goes, quality over quantity.

To find out more about how you can determine which leads are valuable,  just head over to this post: How to Generate Qualified Inbound Marketing Leads to Your Website