Archive | June 2013

Boost Online Marketing by Commenting on Blogs

13496511615W2z7AOne way to be visible to your potential customers is by leaving relevant comments on blogs related to your business. It’s free and you only have to do it a few minutes a day. If you hire someone to do it, it’s still going to be an inexpensive way of boosting your online presence and in essence, your online marketing.

Of course, this is just one of the ways. Add this to social media marketing, email marketing and blogging, then your online presence will come stronger and you’ll have more leads to add to your list of potential customers.

Here are a few more tips to make your comments relevant, engaging and interesting:

  1. Make your comments relevant.
  2. Mention the blogger’s name when posting your comment.
  3. Remember that everything you say will point back to your business.
  4. When possible, make your name at the comment area a hyperlink that people can quickly click to check out your profile.
  5. Check to make sure that other comments have been approved before spending a lot of time making a comment on sites that use comment moderation.

For more insight on this matter, please head to: Write Comments on Blogs to Boost Your Online Marketing



As an online entrepreneur, how do you get things done?

to doAs online entrepreneurs, we all have a lot on our plate. But how much of our major goals do we really get to accomplish? It’s so easy to get stuck for hours just checking emails and updating our social networks or even just blogging and uploading photos online. But when it gets down to it, have we really accomplished what we’ve set out to do?

Below are some useful tips you can use to make sure that you get to be productive and efficient in accomplishing the goals you’ve set out for yourself.

1. Write it out

2. Break it down

3. Schedule it

4. Get help!

These 4 tips makes you dissect your priorities and map them out in such a way that you get to do the most important stuff that will have the greatest impact on your output. For more information, please read this very informative post: How to get your work done!

Why You Need a Blog for Your Business

1318079734q3Wkn9At this day and age, every business needs a blog or website. It’s like having your business listed in the Yellow Pages back in the olden days or making sure you have brochures and flyers even before you open your doors to the public.

A blog for your business will serve as its “resume in progress”, its online representation and a place where customers and potential clients can contact you for more information. But these are not all. Below are a few more reasons for you to set up a blog for your business:

1. A good website generates clients.

2. A professional website works for you while you sleep.

3. It’s all about exposure, babe.

4. Your Competition Is Already Online!

To get further insights about the importance of creating a blog for your business, please head over here: Do You Really Need A Website For Your Business? 4 Facts That Will Help You Make The Right Decision FAST

How to Market Your Brand via Twitter (Do’s and Don’ts)

1267998479yV1Wi0Twitter marketing is essential these days to reach out to potential customers. But there are a couple of do’s and don’ts you have to follow if you want to gain continued support from your fans and followers. Here’s the summary:

  1. DON’T use bots and follower-boosting schemes. Instead, DO provide content that naturally engages.
  2. DON’T overuse hashtags and keywords. Instead, DO find a good balance between keywords and hashtags.
  3. DON’T focus on just your own content. Instead, DO mix in retweets and other interaction with followers and like-minded tweeters.
  4. DON’T misappropriate other businesses’ hashtags. Instead, DO come up with original hashtags that specifically further your business.
  5. DON’T fill in all 140 characters of the tweet. Instead, DO limit yourself to around 120 characters to make room for retweets plus the retweeter’s comments.
  6. DON’T  automatically unfollow someone who doesn’t follow you back. Instead, DO try interacting with them!

These guidelines will take you to a good start when marketing your brand via twitter. For more information, please head to:  The Dos and Dont’s of Twitter Etiquette for Marketing Your Brand



How to Make More Money Online with Less Work

12707587861ChuLMLet’s take a look at these four stages on how you can make more money online without having to do a lot of work. It’s all about leveraging and duplicating your knowledge and I think this is very helpful especially if you’re an online entrepreneur.

Stage1: Offer a local service – If you’re an entrepreneur to begin with, you usually start putting up your business locally.

Stage 2: Get a website – To start expanding your business, you begin to set up a website for it so more and more people can come to know your line of business.

Stage 3: Expand beyond local – Since you already have a website, you might as well start putting up a blog and several social networks like Facebook and Twitter so more and more people can come to know your business.

Stage 4: Offer events & products – By offering products and events, you duplicate your efforts, earn more money from it without having to put in more effort.

To know more on how to go about this, please head to: Are you ready to make more money with less work? Events & products are the key!

Facebook Hashtags are Now Here!

hashtagHear ye! Hear ye! Facebook hashtags are finally here!

Now, people can join and engage in conversations on a global scale and talk about brands and topics or specific keywords that they are interested in. Brands and companies can also easily take a look at what their customers are talking about by simply typing in the hashtag (#) sign and their keyword on the Facebook search field.

You can also create any hashtag you like. Be as simple or as creative as you can. By putting the hashtag (#) sign before any keyword of your liking, it will automatically link to the stream. Unfortunately, dates and locations aren’t filtered yet but hopefully, soon.

You can also be mindful of the latest trends as Facebook still doesn’t have the trending feature like Twitter. But with this new hashtag Facebook feature, people can now discover specific people talking about specific topics. Try it now!

For more insights about this, please head to:  Facebook Hashtags Are Here! A Q&A for Marketers

5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Web Hosting Service

webhostWith a number of web hosting services available these days, choosing the best one can be a pretty overwhelming task. In order to make sure that you get the best one according to your needs, here are five things you ought to consider:

  1. Pricing – Compare the prices of each of the web hosting services you’ve researched. Look at the special features available. You may need to pay a little bit more to get what you truly deserve.
  2. Technical Specs – Server specs are essential especially for interactive blogs and sites offering e-commerce services. Choose the one with a track record of 99.9% uptime.
  3. Tech Support – Any time your website encounters a problem, tech support should be reached immediately.
  4. Email – a good web hosting service provider should be able to give you a good email service as well.
  5. Control Panel Scalability – Even if you’re not a techie person, the control panel of your web hosting service provider should be easy and simple enough for you to tweak.

Considering these five factors should be able to help you get the best web hosting service provider for your site and/or online business. Study them well. For more insight about this matter, please head to: How to Choose a Web Hosting Service

Use LinkedIn for Your Business

LinkedInIf you have an online business, it would be good to open a LinkedIn account. Once done, you can start joining groups or creating one so you can get connected to more people in the same circle or who are interested in your business. These people will eventually become your future leads, subscribers and followers.

Here’s how you start using LinkedIn for your business:

  1. Make an offer for a free consultation or simply explain what services you offer. 
  2. Create your profile with proper keywords and make sure your contact number is there.
  3. Start searching for people.

To get more insight about this, please head to:  How I use LinkedIn for my business

Things to Avoid When Blogging

??????????????????????????????????????Whether you’re a private blogger or a blogger for a company, there are things you should avoid when posting things online. Below are five  online reputation slips that bloggers must avoid at all costs. By doing so, you become more responsible as a blogger and your readers will appreciate you more. 

Annulling Other People’s Values

Even if this is your blog or your own facebook page and you have the right to convey your own thoughts and views, other people might still get offended especially with topics concerning religion and politics. So as much as possible, try to stay neutral and don’t step on other people’s toes. 

Making People Feel Bad about Themselves

Nothing good can ever come out of bashing other people. So, be kind. Always.

Ignoring Negative Feedback

Sometimes, it’s okay to ignore negative feedback from people who are deemed crazy. But if you can be logical, factual and argumentative about negative comments, then do so. Ignoring them will just make it seem like you’ve lost the battle. So answer those feedback but wait til you’re no longer angry or emotional about it.

Pretending to Be Someone You’re Not

People can sense when you’re sincere and when you’re not. The more honest you are, the more your readers will appreciate and follow you.

Being Afraid to Show Your Human Side

This is somehow related to being true. After all you are human. Readers tend to like bloggers more who can show their real selves online rather than by just being impersonal and cold with your posts all the time.

For more insights about this matter, please head to:  5 Online Reputation Slips Every Blogger Should Avoid

6 Ways to Write Captivating Emails

???????????????????????????????????????We write email messages to our list to further persuade them to buy our products or services. But how do we do that in such a way that they won’t treat our emails as spam? How do we grab their attention during those first few seconds that they open our email? Below are six quick tips:

  1. Avoid hard-sell promotions.
  2. Talk about what your customers need and want.
  3. Communicate one message on a single email message.
  4. Talk to your market about “what’s in it for them” when they respond to your call to action.
  5. Answer questions from your clients and contacts.
  6. Make your headlines attention-grabbing.

It’s just that easy, right? With these 6 quick tips, you can be sure that the message you want to convey will really reach your target market. To get more insights about this, please head to: Write Compelling Email Marketing Messages: 6 Quick Tips